
Showing posts from May, 2019

5A - Identifying Local Opportunities

1. Miami's startup scene is not boosting wages. Here's what will, experts say. 1.1 1.2 While recently, Miami has been developing substantially and has hosted many start-ups, this trend has not contributed to a significant rise in local economic outcomes. Between 2008 and 2017, Miami's GDP declined while most other major metropolitan cities grew by more than 3% in the same time span. The report mentioned in the article recommends that Miami should work towards building up existing businesses rather than fostering start-up businesses. 1.3 The problem is that while there has been more development in Miami in terms of actual businesses, this has not been reflected onto the local economy and as such, alternative options ought to be considered. 1.4 The people with the problem are those who live and work in Miami and likely need a pay raise. 2.  Miami International Airport due billions in upgrades 2.1  https...

4A - Forming An Opportunity Belief

1. I have a feeling that an opportunity exists based on my own experience with a particular problem. 2. I believe that others have the same unmet need I do, not knowing what to cook or make using the limited ingredients on hand in your kitchen at any given point. Generally, anyone that is low on groceries and not particularly creative or very advanced with their cooking abilities could have a need for this feature. This need has existed for as long as mankind has made meals, as many people, such as myself, struggle with figuring out exactly what dish to make; an issue that likely stems from either a lack of ideas or from a feeling of boredom in one's typical diet. Currently, people meet this need by either searching on the internet for recipe ideas or by simply crafting a meal using their best guess. At this point, I am 65% sure that this opportunity exists. 3. The prototypical customer is a young adult that has some experience with making meals but is not adept enough to intui...

3A - My Entrepreneurship Story

Welcome to my blog!  My name is Nick Lorenzo and I am an undergrad business student at UF. I am currently studying and interning abroad this semester in London, which is something that will definitely impact my blog posts this semester! Overall, I do not have as much personal entrepreneurial experience as I would like, however, lately I have dipped my toes in the water so to speak. In order to fundraise for my study abroad trip this summer, I decided to sell as many of my family's and my own unwanted belongings as possible. This process was actually a win-win for me, as beyond making money, I was also inspired by Marie Kondo's Netflix show to declutter my life. As a result, working through this process was extremely personally satisfying as well. I listed many items online for sale as well as held a large garage sale in Miami to raise as much money as possible before I left. All things considered, I was pretty successful and made a decent amount that'll definitely h...

2A - Bug List

1. When my iPhone fails to recognize a charger. Why it exists: The chargers are either of bad quality and they break or it is because they are from third-party manufacturers.  2. Having to take my trash out all the way to the community trash compactor. Why it exists: I live in an apartment complex that only collects trash from two compactors in the entire complex, likely because there are so many buildings and they want to save time collecting trash.  3. The fact that my laptop has been dying lately when the battery claims to still have a percentage remaining. Why it exists: My laptop likely has a battery that needs to be replaced. The battery likely is old or damaged somehow.  4. Having to google or investigate whether a restaurant has vegan options or if a specific food item is vegan or not. Why it exists: Vegan options are still a new, up and coming thing for most restaurants/food manufacturers.  5. When the doorbell rings and I have to hold my dog bac...

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