2A - Bug List
1. When my iPhone fails to recognize a charger.
Why it exists: The chargers are either of bad quality and they break or it is because they are from third-party manufacturers.
2. Having to take my trash out all the way to the community trash compactor.
Why it exists: I live in an apartment complex that only collects trash from two compactors in the entire complex, likely because there are so many buildings and they want to save time collecting trash.
3. The fact that my laptop has been dying lately when the battery claims to still have a percentage remaining.
Why it exists: My laptop likely has a battery that needs to be replaced. The battery likely is old or damaged somehow.
4. Having to google or investigate whether a restaurant has vegan options or if a specific food item is vegan or not.
Why it exists: Vegan options are still a new, up and coming thing for most restaurants/food manufacturers.
5. When the doorbell rings and I have to hold my dog back while also seeing who is at the door.
Why it exists: My dog wants to investigate who is at the door and I have to struggle with holding him with one hand and using the other to open the door. Not having enough time to secure him when the doorbell rings.
6. Waiting for the bus and having to ride it for a long time in order to get to campus.
Why it exists: I live far from campus and the buses do not service the route as often as I would like.
7. When I have to go out of my way to request and wait for a manual check at TSA/airport security screenings for my Instax Mini/polaroid style camera and film.
Why it exists: The film my camera uses would get damaged if I were to allow it to be scanned normally.
8. When I am trying to book a flight or train ticket and suddenly the price goes up before I can purchase a ticket.
Why it exists: The airline tracks web activity and sees me and if applicable, whoever I am desiring to travel with, attempting to book a flight.
9. When I receive promotional emails from mailing lists I either never signed up for or from a service/company I used once that has continued to bombard me with messages.
Why it exists: Companies want you to buy more from them or services want you to be more involved.
10. When I am approached by strangers either on the street or in subway stations asking me for money or if I am interested in whatever they are trying to get me to purchase.
Why it exists: They want to make money and it is likely one of their only means of doing so.
11. When I can hear my neighbors stomping/walking above my head at all hours of the day and night.
Why it exists: I live on the second floor of a building with three floors. The complex likely does not have the best quality floors/construction.
12. When I find myself in situations wherein I have no choice but to deal with interacting with very difficult or unpleasant people.
Why it exists: Either due to a misjudgment on my part or just happenstance.
13. Not being able to park on campus without shelling out a lot of money.
Why it exists: Extremely high demand and lack of parking space on campus.
14. Having to walk my dog very late at night when I am often tired after staying up late.
Why it exists: I live on the second floor of an apartment building and do not have a private yard. I have a dog, so he must be able to relieve himself regularly.
15. When the sunlight wakes me up or blinds me in the morning.
Why it exists: The shades my apartment complex uses are likely not the best quality.
16. When I don't know what episode of a show I am watching on Netflix.
Why it exists: Likely because I watched part of the series on an alternate account.
17. Waking up with a stiff neck or with general back pain.
Why it exists: My pillow or mattress may need to be replaced or they are not of good quality. I may have issues that require a chiropractor/specialist.
18. When I am missing just one ingredient for a dish I am trying to make.
Why it exists: I likely ran out of the ingredient and/or I forgot to buy it in preparation for the meal.
19. When I find random stains on my clothes.
Why it exists: I may have had food or other miscellaneous things fall on my clothing.
20. Not being sure whether or not pasta is ready when I am boiling some.
Why it exists: It's hard to tell unless you actually bite a piece of pasta when you are boiling it from its raw state.
Initially, I found this process to be somewhat challenging and daunting as I could not come up with many bugs or issues that I face on a regular basis. However, after I wrote down the first couple issues, I soon picked up speed and got into a flow of writing as many more came to mind. I realized that I generally do not think much about these little things that bother me and I typically let them go, as I believe that there is no point in dwelling on them as doing so likely would just further frustrate or upset me. I am now coming to realize that problems are actually just opportunities to improve or innovate things in disguise.
Why it exists: The chargers are either of bad quality and they break or it is because they are from third-party manufacturers.
2. Having to take my trash out all the way to the community trash compactor.
Why it exists: I live in an apartment complex that only collects trash from two compactors in the entire complex, likely because there are so many buildings and they want to save time collecting trash.
3. The fact that my laptop has been dying lately when the battery claims to still have a percentage remaining.
Why it exists: My laptop likely has a battery that needs to be replaced. The battery likely is old or damaged somehow.
4. Having to google or investigate whether a restaurant has vegan options or if a specific food item is vegan or not.
Why it exists: Vegan options are still a new, up and coming thing for most restaurants/food manufacturers.
5. When the doorbell rings and I have to hold my dog back while also seeing who is at the door.
Why it exists: My dog wants to investigate who is at the door and I have to struggle with holding him with one hand and using the other to open the door. Not having enough time to secure him when the doorbell rings.
6. Waiting for the bus and having to ride it for a long time in order to get to campus.
Why it exists: I live far from campus and the buses do not service the route as often as I would like.
7. When I have to go out of my way to request and wait for a manual check at TSA/airport security screenings for my Instax Mini/polaroid style camera and film.
Why it exists: The film my camera uses would get damaged if I were to allow it to be scanned normally.
8. When I am trying to book a flight or train ticket and suddenly the price goes up before I can purchase a ticket.
Why it exists: The airline tracks web activity and sees me and if applicable, whoever I am desiring to travel with, attempting to book a flight.
9. When I receive promotional emails from mailing lists I either never signed up for or from a service/company I used once that has continued to bombard me with messages.
Why it exists: Companies want you to buy more from them or services want you to be more involved.
10. When I am approached by strangers either on the street or in subway stations asking me for money or if I am interested in whatever they are trying to get me to purchase.
Why it exists: They want to make money and it is likely one of their only means of doing so.
11. When I can hear my neighbors stomping/walking above my head at all hours of the day and night.
Why it exists: I live on the second floor of a building with three floors. The complex likely does not have the best quality floors/construction.
12. When I find myself in situations wherein I have no choice but to deal with interacting with very difficult or unpleasant people.
Why it exists: Either due to a misjudgment on my part or just happenstance.
13. Not being able to park on campus without shelling out a lot of money.
Why it exists: Extremely high demand and lack of parking space on campus.
14. Having to walk my dog very late at night when I am often tired after staying up late.
Why it exists: I live on the second floor of an apartment building and do not have a private yard. I have a dog, so he must be able to relieve himself regularly.
15. When the sunlight wakes me up or blinds me in the morning.
Why it exists: The shades my apartment complex uses are likely not the best quality.
16. When I don't know what episode of a show I am watching on Netflix.
Why it exists: Likely because I watched part of the series on an alternate account.
17. Waking up with a stiff neck or with general back pain.
Why it exists: My pillow or mattress may need to be replaced or they are not of good quality. I may have issues that require a chiropractor/specialist.
18. When I am missing just one ingredient for a dish I am trying to make.
Why it exists: I likely ran out of the ingredient and/or I forgot to buy it in preparation for the meal.
19. When I find random stains on my clothes.
Why it exists: I may have had food or other miscellaneous things fall on my clothing.
20. Not being sure whether or not pasta is ready when I am boiling some.
Why it exists: It's hard to tell unless you actually bite a piece of pasta when you are boiling it from its raw state.
Initially, I found this process to be somewhat challenging and daunting as I could not come up with many bugs or issues that I face on a regular basis. However, after I wrote down the first couple issues, I soon picked up speed and got into a flow of writing as many more came to mind. I realized that I generally do not think much about these little things that bother me and I typically let them go, as I believe that there is no point in dwelling on them as doing so likely would just further frustrate or upset me. I am now coming to realize that problems are actually just opportunities to improve or innovate things in disguise.
I definitely can relate with your bug of IPhone not recognizing a charger, it is a reoccurring problem because of how quickly the products can be damaged. A lot of the bugs you listed are problems you deal with everyday, but before this assignment you probably never thought about the reason why they happen. You did a really good job of being specific about your bugs and the reason why they occur. Great job!