26A - Celebrating Failure

1. If I had to discuss a time where I failed, I'd honestly say it was for this class. To be specific, I failed with sticking to the course deadlines and turning things in on time, be it submitting the cupcakes, comment assignments, or the actual main blog posts. I tried many times to get it right, but each time I would check and the deadline had passed. I'll likely end up with a C as my final grade which is something that I'm not exactly happy with. I can't be too hard on myself, as I took this class while studying abroad in London this summer (where I am currently writing this post). I've truly lived and enjoyed this experience to its fullest, creating some amazing memories I'll carry with me for the rest of my life. I can't say I really regret not keeping on top of my responsibilities for this class, as I know that it won't really matter in the grand scheme of things and I'm much more satisfied with how this experience has gone. I'm glad I focused on traveling and living it up instead, but I do wish I would have stuck to the deadlines more and gotten a better grade because I know it will have a negative effect on my GPA. Regardless, I'm fine with the result as it was worth it for all the things I've done and will continue to do before I fly home.

2. I learned to try to do things ahead of time so that I won't miss deadlines in the future, but I also learned to put things into perspective and pursue what will have a more meaningful impact on your life, even if it will set you back somehow in other ways. I've learned to live in the moment and enjoy what opportunities have been presented to me but also not to try and make time for what is required of me, even if it is unpleasant.

3. This class somewhat did change my perspective on failure. I am more likely to take risks than I was before taking this class, as I've learned to follow my gut and do things that will make a difference in my future, even if it means taking a hit in other aspects.


  1. Hi Nick! I agree that it has been tough to keep up with the assignments for this class. My post for this assignment was also about a time that I forgot to turn something in. I'm glad you haven't beat yourself up about it and instead see it as a small price to pay for amazing experiences abroad. In the end, you won't remember your grade in this class, but you will remember sightseeing in London!


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