30A - Final Reflection
This semester has definitely been a journey of highs and lows. I certainly felt the dread and have had my fair share of moments of drudgery in this course. I feel as though I did most assignments just for the sake of doing it for my grade versus actually having a genuine interest in my idea and plan as an entrepreneur. The most formative experience while taking this class, for me, was when I was able to somehow submit my assignments on time after being on a trip across Europe with a sizable stretch of which I was on my own for. I remember being at the Athens airport and submitting the assignment while walking to board the plane. I am quite proud of the determination I had to get it done somehow and will likely remember that when looking back on my summer. I think in some ways I have developed an entrepreneurial mindset, as I now think of problems a bit differently at times, but in other ways I haven't, as I do not think I'll genuinely start my own business for the foreseeable future, if ever. I think I did gain some components of that mindset, but it did not fully develop while taking this course. If I had to recommend something to future students taking this course, I would recommend for them to have a solid plan and stick to it. Often times, I would forget about my assignments and forfeit points simply due to the fact that I had an inconsistent plan of getting them done. They must be proactive and foster the mindset that once they have it out of the way, they can better enjoy living in the moment not having to worry about school assignments. Foster this mindset by buying a planner and sticking to it!

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