12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1. Segment
Young adults between the ages of 18-26 that are new to cooking and have relatively busy schedules

2. Interviews

     2A. 19-year-old University of Florida undergraduate student
An incoming sophomore at the University of Florida. No previous cooking experience - had previously relied on a meal plan but will be moving to an off-campus apartment shortly. Unfamiliar with recipes, ingredient combinations, and meal planning logistics.  Typically searches for pre-made meals, delivery, or takeout options. Preoccupied with studies, extracurriculars, and social life outside of college. Will sometimes make very simple dishes, typically searches for "easy quick recipes" on google. 

     2B. 21-year-old Florida International University undergraduate student 
Incoming senior at FIU. Typically relies on family to provide food/meals. Very limited prior cooking experience due to lack of need to cook on own. Familiar with basics, looking to improve understanding of food preparation and cuisine as one day will need to provide for themselves. Has a very basic rotating roster of four easy meals that typically only involves two or three steps. Looking to expand knowledge in the kitchen and number of easy "go-to" meals that are quick and easy to make. Studying and has an active social life. Often goes for family leftovers. 

     2C. 23-year-old Miami-Dade College student
Making progress towards degree slowly but surely as he has to work to support himself as well. Work, school, and social life leave him with very little time to prepare meals. Typically goes for basic things that can be done very quickly. Has very simple meals that he is growing tired of. Relies on frozen meals, pre-made food, take-out, and delivery. Aiming to add more simple and easy meals to his repertoire. The goal of gradually building up to increase his abilities in the kitchen. 

3. Conclusions
Based on my interviews, I can gather that my segment largely has very limited existing food-preparing abilities and outside obligations that divide their attention most of the time. Often times, many will rely on pre-made meals or have food delivered to them rather than prepare it themselves, likely either due to a lack of knowledge or time. As a result of this information, I know that I will seek to focus on adding very basic and easy options for meals on the app. Some expressed that they would like to gradually improve their cooking skills, and as such, I believe having recipes gradually increase in terms of difficulty and nuance would be very beneficial for this purpose. I believe adding filters to narrow meal options would be a very good idea, for instance, adding filters for how much time a person has for meal preparation or perhaps if they would like to try something new or not. I also believe that the app should recommend a grocery list/list of recipes every week so that the user can purchase their groceries beforehand to have them ready for food prep later on.  


  1. Hi Nicholas! You have a great post. Cooking in college is a big deal since most of us do not have time for it or our meals come out bland and mediocre. I do agree with you that we need to gain some knowledge on cooking and expanding the way we do things in the kitchen rather reading off of a box and your food is ready in 15 minutes.

  2. Hey Nicholas,
    I think your segment really captures the type of people that will want to buy your product/service. Creating basic options for meals is a good idea because a lot of people between ages 18-26 don't have a lot of cooking experience. If you start them off easy and they are successful, it will give them more incentive to want to learn more. Great job!

  3. Hey Nick! All of your interviews were fruitful in that they revealed the same thing: College kids don't have the time or energy to cook good meals. That's why it'll be important for you to make it as easy as possible for them with easy recipes and maybe even ingredients delivered right to their door. Keep up the good work!

  4. Hey Nick! I think that your interviews prove the potential of your idea. Cooking is such an important element of taking care of yourself and college students specifically havent been equipped with the knowledge to create varieed and healthy meal choices. The fact that students from so many different schools have such similar answers shows its scalability. Great Work!!


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