9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

Who: There are people who are very similar to those my opportunity would appeal to, however, the big difference is that while my idea involves a potential delivery of food to the customer's home, it would not involve pre-made meals. As such, consumers are still expected to cook the meals themselves. This eliminates possibly customers that are reluctant or unable to cook and instead would likely order take-out food.

What: While this need is quite similar to the general need to satiate one's appetite or hunger, this is very different as it is not just about feeding yourself - this need is more for those who wish to create their own meals either because they enjoy the process

Why: This need is different as the outsiders just need to eat and feed themselves but do not care how, while the people inside the boundary would simply be wanting to improve their cooking skill to partake in the activity rather than simply eating some basic store items.

Summary of the interviews:
The majority of those I interviewed appreciated the concept of the app and service, however, one person did not. I now realized that not everyone struggles with this and in this individual's case, he or she likely does not cook themselves or has a very thorough understanding of how to cook and an affinity for recipes.

  Inside The Boundary                                           Outside The Boundary
Who Is In:
People who wish to improve their cooking skills or cook based on what is available at the time. 
 Who Is In:
People who want a quick fix and are not interested in expanding their cooking abilities
What The Need Is:
 Inspiration to vary meals and recipes, know what to make based on what is on hand
 What The Need Is:
Eat food and satiate your hunger as quickly and conveniently as possible 
Why The Need Exists:
People often find themselves sticking to the same basic meals as well as blanking out on what to cook sometimes
 Why The Need Exists:
Everyone needs to eat, some people simply stick to basics as it is the easiest choice


  1. Hey Nicholas,
    I have a lot of friends who lack basic cooking skills and would like to learn more about it, but have never put their motivation into it. I think your solution would be a great idea and would benefit a lot of people. There are always going to people who would rather eat out then cook, but the need doesn't apply to everyone and it is important to help the people who want it. Great job!

  2. Hi Nick, Im glad that you took away valuable information from the interview process! I think that with a little more customer information you could really refine the idea. I had a similar experience after my interviews and my idea changed a lot. Can't wait to see this idea develop! Great Job!


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