14 A Halfway reflection

14 A Halfway Reflection
As a student in this course, I have learned a few key takeaways that I believe one must implement in order to earn a desirable grade. First of all, one must ensure that all deadlines are met on a timely manner. Personally, I write down and enter all of the course deadlines onto my google calendar and I also create phone reminders as well. Beyond that, I have learned that for this course I must reflect on my past assignments in order to inform future ones and develop my ideas further. In terms of tenacity informing my attitude, I have learned to be more resilient and determined when completing my responsibilities. While taking this course, I had a moment where I missed a few deadlines due to other commitments this summer and I was feeling pretty down. I wanted to give up but I knew that wasn’t an option. While I now won’t earn an A in this class as I wanted, I pulled through because I realized it wasn’t too late for me to still pass and get as much out of this class as possible. During the past two months, I have been traveling and living abroad which has also led to me developing an attitude of tenacity, determination, and resilience in my own life. While being away from home for so long, I have learned to be far more independent and capable when on my own. As of right now, I am traveling in Italy and then Portugal all on my own which is certainly something that would previously had been inconceivable to me. By embracing the uncertainty and learning to rely on myself, I have become more tenacious and self sufficient. Three tips to future students in order to build tenacity: 
1. Get yourself into situations that force you to be out of your comfort zone and to rely solely on your own skills and determination. 
2. Set an intention for every day or even every few hours for what you want to accomplish or take away from that particular block of time. 
3. Get organized and stay on top of your deadlines. 


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